Become a Global Service Scholar!



The Global Service Scholars program is an opportunity for students to learn through coursework about the science and practice of compassion, effective altruism, and social justice, and participate in a one-month intensive summer field experience. This program is a partnership between the School of Social Ecology, the UCI Blum Center for Poverty Alleviation, and the Living Peace Foundation.

Due to COVID-19, the program has been modified slightly for the coming academic year, as outlined below.

Foundational coursework: The 2021 cohort will be required to enroll in a three-quarter series of online courses: (1) The Science and Practice of Compassion in Fall 2020; (2) Advanced Seminar in the Science and Practice of Compassion in Winter 2021; and (3) Community Engagement and Social Justice in Spring 2021. In the spring course, students will be required to perform 50 hours of virtual or in person volunteer work.

Summer intensive experience: If international travel is safe and permitted, Scholars will have the option to complete international field service at partner sites. Otherwise, students will implement service projects remotely with domestic organizations or with our international partners.

To learn additional details about the program, eligbility requirements, and more - CLICK HERE.