Interested in poverty, inequality, and social justice? Hoping to pursue those interests through interdisciplinary coursework? Trying to find ways to engage in concrete efforts to address inequality and promote democratic social change?
Come learn more about the new undergraduate Minor in Poverty, Inequality, and Social Justice, housed in the History Department and affiliated with the Blum Center on Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy. This interdisciplinary minor provides students with the tools to understand the structural and political roots, dynamics and consequences of poverty and intersectional inequality; conduct original research; and engage meaningfully in efforts to address poverty through policy, practice and social action. In this session we will also discuss how the Minor is proceeding in light of the current pandemic.
Join us for a virtual information session about this minor on Thursday, October 22nd from 10-11AM (using this link) or Monday, October 26th from 1-2PM (using this link).
Please RSVP with Joanne Nowak, Blum Center Academic Coordinator (joanne.nowak@ucsb.edu) or Corey Carpenter (corey_carpenter@ucsb.edu), History Department Undergraduate Advisor
October 19, 2020 - 12:17pm