Contact Information
Please contact Dr. Kashia Arnold, Assistant Director of the UCSB Blum Center:
- Email:
- Office: Girvetz Hall, 2nd floor
Follow us on Social Media
- Bluesky:
- Instagram: @BlumCenterUCSB
- Facebook: @UCSBBlumCenter
- TikTok: @blumcenterucsb
- X (Twitter): @UCSB_BlumCenter
- YouTube: @ucsbblumcenterrecordings3255
Stay Current with Blum Center Opportunities, Projects & Events
- Sign-up for our listserv and to receive our latest newsletter.
Blum Center Student Careers
Each year the Blum Center hires students (both undergraduate and graduate) to assist with the planning and implementation of our core programming, as well as lead on the Center's many initiatives. If you're interested in joining our team, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to be informed of our yearly job recruitment call in early Fall. All BC job postings will be made available in Handshake. To meet our current team of students, please visit the Blum Student Leaders section on our website.